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 BrainTap system uses your mobile device, paired with the BrainTap Headset or headphones of your choice, to deliver a full suite of sessions that range across desired life outcomes and tap into different neural pathways in your brain. With over 1,800 unique sessions, you can focus on what’s important to you.


1,800+ Unique Sessions.

Categories Include: Stress Reduction, Restful Sleep, Focus and Clarity, Athletic Performance, Optimal Health, Weight Wellness, Breaking through PTSD, Pain-Free Lifestyle, Children and Learning, Brain Training, and many more.


Science-Based and Validated

Our technology is grounded in proven science, validated through clinical studies and trusted by thousands of health providers.


Effortless Experience

BrainTap stimulates the brain directly, requiring no active participation by the user, and allowing you to let go completely. Even when our sessions tell you to breathe in, you can breathe out—and the tech still does all the work.

BrainTap App Annual Subscription

$360.00 Regular Price
$180.00Sale Price

    Our buy direct from BrainTap : 

    We’ve designed the BrainTap app to fit seamlessly into your life and enhance your brain’s fitness whenever and wherever you need it – whether at home, work, or on-the-go. You’ll find sessions to wake up your brain, giving you the stamina to tackle whatever your day brings, to re-energize your mid-day, boosting your productivity, mood, and mindset, and you’ll have just what you need to enjoy deep sleep each night with a calm brain that lets you drift off easily.

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